An Examination of Refressive Da'wah in Khaled Aboe El-Fadl's Perspective on the Implementation of Qanun Syariah in Aceh


  • susanti-hasibuan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal
  • nanang arianto Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal
  • Datuk Imam Marzuki Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal
  • desiana Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal



Da'wah, Sharia, Aceh, Khaled Abou elFadl


The implementation of Qanun Syariah in Aceh is considered something of a dilemma. On the
one hand, the implementation of the Qanun is considered to violate the provisions of Indonesian
positive law, on the other hand, in the process of implementing the Qanun, the Al-Quran and
Hadith are used as a basis, and it contains repressive da'wah, da'wah by making the
government the perpetrator of structural da'wah, which can pressure the public to obey the
teachings. Islam. This research uses a qualitative method which is research that focuses on
activities, relationships, situations and conditions in the field. In carrying out this research, the
author went directly to institutions related to the implementation of Qanun Islamic Sharia in
Aceh, such as: Wilayatul Hisbah, Islamic Sharia, Governor, DPRA, MPU, Ministry of Law
and Human Rights. The results of this research state that Qanun Syariah according to Khaled
Abou el Fadl is a contemporary form of da'wah that is included in government structures.
Banda Aceh has the authority to carry it out in accordance with the legitimacy of the State.


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