About the Journal
Wasilatuna: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam is a journal published by Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program Faculty of Da'wah Islamic Institute of Religion Darullughah Wadda'wah Bangil Pasuruan. This journal provides writings for practitioners and academics to develop theories, and empirical research, and introduce new concepts in the field of Islamic broadcasting communication and da'wah in a broad perspective. It contains actual issues related to Islamic Communication, Islamic Broadcasting, and Islamic Da'wah through the media, produced by academics through various literature reviews, both in the form of conceptual-based articles and research-based articles that will be published in the form of Scientific Journals. WASILATUNA Journal is published twice a year (every six months, published in April and October) and already has P-ISSN: 2654-2609 and E-ISSN: 2654-2595
Vision: Become a scientific journal of Islamic communication and broadcasting with national and international quality.
Mission: Present research results in the field of Islamic communication and broadcasting for education, research, and community service.
Objective: to improve the means of information and public literacy in Islamic communication and broadcasting in the global era.