Author Guidelines

Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam is a journal that contains actual issues related to Islamic Studies written by academics through various literature reviews (Library research) or field studies which will be published in the form of a Scientific Journal. The Al-Jadwa journal is published twice a year (every six months, published in March and September) by the Darullughah Wadda'wah International Islamic University.

All articles must be submitted to the Al-Jadwa Editorial Office via Online Submission at The article writers will be registered as an Author (register). Should the author have online submission difficulties, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email: or the Editorial Board (085882211471)


Article Templates

Articles should be prepared by following author guidelines in the DOCX article template:
Click here to Download

Manuscript Title (should be clear, concise, and specific that reflects the content)

Abstract must reflect the overall substance of the article content. The abstract must be clear, descriptive, and provide a brief description of the problem under study, including the reasons for the study, or the importance of the research topic, research methods, and summary of the results. The abstract ends with a response regarding the significance of the findings or a brief conclusion. The abstract should be written in 2 languages (English and Indonesian), in 1 paragraph, single-spaced, containing 150-200 words.
Keywords: 3-5 keywords

The introduction includes a description of the problem underlying the research, the objectives and benefits of the study, a theoretical review, and a previous literature review, which serves as the basis for a "gap analysis" of scientific novelty statements and hypotheses, if applicable. Instead of segregating the literature review into a sub-heading, integrate it with the research background explanation to showcase the state of the art and the novelty of scientific findings. This section is written as a maximum of 20% of the body of the article.

This section should provide detailed information about the methods used in the whole of research process (identification of the research variables, subjects, instruments, and analysis techniques). The sufficient information is needed so that the information can be useful for further researchers. Quoting definitions directly from the books should be avoided in this section.

The presentation of the study's results should be clear and concise. They should summarize the (scientific) findings rather than present the data in great detail. Please highlight differences between your results or findings and previous publications by other researchers. The discussion should explore the significance of the results, not repeat them. A combination of results and discussion sections is often appropriate. Avoid excessive citation and discussion of published literature. The discussion section is the most important part of your paper. Make the discussion relevant to your results, but do not repeat them. It should often begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not the results of the experiment). The discussion should encompass the following elements: How do your results relate to the original question or purpose outlined in the introduction (what)? Do you provide a scientific interpretation for each result or finding that you present (why)? Are your results consistent with what other researchers have reported (what else)? Are there any discrepancies? This section may include tables, figures, or graphs. Ensure to center everything, number them sequentially (Table/Figure/Graph/Scheme 1, Table/Figure/Graph/Scheme 2, and so on), include the table name, and position it at the top. Include this section in the related text and use Times New Roman regular font size 12 pt with 1.15 cm spacing. When composing tables, figures, graphs, and schemes, utilize the 11-point Times New Roman regular font with a single spacing.

The conclusion must answer the research objectives which is a summary of research findings. The conclusion should be presented in a short, clear, and concise manner based on research findings and discussion. This section must be written in paragraph (not numerical or bullet points). It should state the findings’ synthesis concluded from data analysis and discussion; and the research contribution to psychology development as a science.

This section contains short sentence to express gratitude to specific person/people, institution(s), organization(s) that have an important role in conducting the study.

All of the references mentioned in this section must be cited in the article and vice versa. The references are from the last 10 years of national/international reputable journals (minimum 80% of total references). The references are arranged based on alphabetical order. Reference lists are written in Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note). Using reference manager application (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) is strongly recommended to organize the citation and references.

The followings are the example of writing references.

Aminah, Lilik. “Educational Environment in the Quran.” Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 4, no. 1 (September 16, 2024): 34–53.

Banerjee, Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Dhiraj Kumar Yadav, Arnab, ed. Agroforestry and Climate Change: Issues and Challenges. New York: Apple Academic Press, 2019.

Dewi, Irlina, and Yuni Dhea Utari. “The Role of Traditional Institutions in Preserving the Al-Barzanji Tradition.” Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 4, no. 1 (September 30, 2024): 119–29.

Fitriyah, Wardatul. “Islamic Business Ethics in Qs. Al-Jumu’ah Verses 9-10 From The Perspective of Quraish Shihab.” Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 3, no. 2 (March 30, 2024): 221–36.

Rangkuti, Bima Wahyudin, Akhmad Shunhaji, and Muhammad Suaib Tahir. “Management of Acceptance and Regard in Educational Relationships: A Study of Hamka’s Perspectives in Tafsir Al-Azhar.” Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 3, no. 2 (March 10, 2024): 130–38.

S, Sumarni, Neng Aisyah, Abdurrahmansyah, and Tutut Handayani. “Urgency of Multicultural Islamic Education on Modern Indonesian Education.” Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 3, no. 2 (March 15, 2024): 173–81.

Willard, Nancy E. Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress. Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress. Champaign, IL, US: Research Press, 2007.

Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam
Universitas Islam Internasional Darullughah Wadda'wah (UII Dalwa)
Jl . Raya Raci No. 51 PO Box 8 Bangil Pasuruan Jawa Timur
Telp. 0343 745317, Fax 0343 747137,