Fa'ālῑyat istikhdām 'ard al-suwar fῑ tadrῑs al-mufradāt ladā tullāb qism al i'dād al-lughawῑ bῑ jāmi’ati al- rāyah
Picture presentation method, vocabulary teaching, Language Preparation Department at Stiba Al-RâyahAbstract
this study aims to assess the effectiveness of one visual teaching method, namely the use of picture presentation, among students in the Language Preparation Department at Al-Raya University. This research adopts a field study approach, utilizing a quantitative method with an experimental design involving a single group, including pretest and posttest evaluations. The study's findings indicate that the statistical results of the Wilcoxon test reveal an Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.001, which is smaller than <0.05. Consequently, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted, suggesting a difference between the results of vocabulary learning in the pretest and posttest. Additionally, the study reveals that the average standardized progress score is 0.75, implying a high level of standardized progress for the proposed hypothesis. Therefore, it can be inferred that the use of picture presentation as a teaching method has an impact on the results of vocabulary learning among students in the Language Preparation Department at Stiba Al-Râyah, indicating the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through picture presentation.
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