Wasilatuna: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>WASILATUNA: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam</strong> is a journal that contains actual issues related to Islamic communication, Islamic broadcasting, and Islamic Da'wah through the media, which is produced by academics through various literature reviews, both in the form of conceptual articles and research-based articles that will be published in the form of Scientific Journals. The WASILATUNA journal is published twice a year (every six months, published in April and October) by the Islamic Da'wah Communication and Broadcasting Study Program and the Da'wah Faculty of the Darullughah Wadda'wah Institute of Islamic Religion, Bangil Pasuruan.</p> Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Islam Internasional Darullughah Wadda'wah Bangil Pasuruan en-US Wasilatuna: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 2654-2609 TELEGRAM AS A MEDIUM OF ACADEMIC INTERACTION (Study of Academic Use and Services for Students of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, Nurul Jadid University) https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna/article/view/894 <p>Telegram is so popular on the campus of Nurul Jadid University, <br />especially at the faculty of Islamic religion since 2018 students as active users. <br />The development of the function of using Telegram, there are several factors, one <br />of which is due to busyness and to make it easier for lecturers who require <br />students and lecturers to conduct learning and notification of information through <br />online media and especially on this campus that utilizes Telegram media. The <br />purpose of this study is to describe Telegram which has relevant features in online <br />information notifications from academic faculty, as well as to obtain illustrations <br />of the process of student information communication to lecturers who use <br />telegraph communication media. A qualitative descriptive approach was used in <br />this study. Telegram is used as a correlation of students to lecturers is a <br />communication process where it uses the internet and digital media when <br />communicating as infrastructure tools from sopport media during the course of<br />academic information communication, the use of telegram as the main benefit of <br />communication to ease students in receiving academic information. Researchers <br />get illustrations of all experience processes in using telegrams as academic <br />information communication between education staff and students. Interpersonal <br />communication via telegram can be a substitute medium when students and <br />lecturers do not allow face-to-face interaction in progress. Information is sent via <br />telegram to students. This motivates students, in improving academic activities <br />such as paper consultation.</p> ronal dhino Copyright (c) 2023 ronal dhino https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-04-22 2023-04-22 6 01 49 63 10.38073/wasilatuna.v6i01.894 COMMUNICATION PATTERN OF KARAWANG ISLAMIC STUDENT FAMILY ORGANIZATION (KMIK) JAKARTA IN FORMING COHESIVE GROUPS https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna/article/view/868 <p><em>Jabodetabek is a megapolitan area with a high rate of migrating students from all over Indonesia to continue their higher education. The Karawang Islamic Student Family (KMIK) Jakarta is a forum for Islamic students from Karawang who are in Jabodetabek to continue to work, accommodate aspirations, and serve the Karawang community. The wide scope of KMIK Jakarta requires an effective communication pattern that makes members wherever they are, will feel bound and belonging. The purpose of this study is to </em><em>determine communication patterns </em><em>and communication barriers that arise in the cohesive formation of the group. This study used descriptive qualitative approach and phenomenological research method. Data collection was done by interviews, and informant selection techniques by purposive sampling. The cohesive analysis of the group in this study used the Gorupthink Theory of Irvin L. Janis. Four indicators were obtained in this study, namely complex communication, effective communication, communication that is able to build enthusiasm, and high-intensity communication. Communication barriers that occur are differences in communication patterns in each management period. The existence of cohesive groups makes KMIK Jakarta able to face communication barriers that occur with star communication patterns or to all familial channels.</em></p> Zahra Nur Afifah Tantan Hermansah Nasichah Copyright (c) 2023 Zahra Nur Afifah, Tantan Hermansah, Nasichah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-04-22 2023-04-22 6 01 37 48 10.38073/wasilatuna.v6i01.868 PRODUKSI PROGRAM DAKWAH DI CHANAL YOUTUBE https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna/article/view/857 <p><strong><em>This research is related to the production process carried out by the Munzalan TV youtube channel on the dawn program reaching blessings. The focus of this research is to find out how the production process is carried out from pre-production to post-production carried out by Munzalan TV. The approach used in this study is to use a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. In collecting data, researchers use several techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The research was carried out at the mosque of the munzalan ship indinesia Road. Sungai Raya in Gg. Imaduddin, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The results of this study are to describe how the production process includes pre-production, production and post-production carried out by Munzalan TV On the dawn program to achieve blessings. In general, the results of this study show that the production process carried out by Munzalan TV uses three stages, the first pre-production at this stage the first is syuro, then prepare room control, prepare production equipment at this stage the image director must set the exposure segitigs, then prepare the sound, the next stage of production, at the time of production carried out is to prepare Youtube straming using sofwara vMix, then for the production image director no longer do the camera settings have stayed in one direction only, then the sound control that is carried out by the mosque takmir and connects to the soundcar which is the responsibility of the stramer and for the stylist cahata control there is no lightingman because hanaya uses mosque lighting, at the time of production also do records that are part of post-production, In the post-production stage, what is done is editing and airing. </em></strong></p> Bob Andrian Bob Andrian Doni Rifansyah Doni Rifansyah Pilga ayong Sari Pilga ayong Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Bob Andrian Bob Andrian, Doni Rifansyah Doni Rifansyah, Pilga ayong Sari Pilga ayong Sari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-04-22 2023-04-22 6 01 25 36 10.38073/wasilatuna.v6i01.857 DIGITAL PUBLIC SPACE AND THE FACE OF INDONESIAN POLITICAL EDUCATION https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna/article/view/794 <p>Reporting on digital mass media often vulgarly takes a position in favor of interests. Is the partiality direct, or is it in the form of framing? Television shows and newspaper reports have even become the public's 'breakfast'. The mass media is increasingly becoming a determinant of the cognitive menu of people's daily thoughts. And not a few are lulled into believing that it is the most true and authentic. This article directs attention to the role of social media as a digital public space for Indonesian people's cognition. By using Jurgen Habermas' theoretical frame on the public sphere, the author concludes that digital media plays a significant role in shaping the public's way of thinking which tends to be co-opted to political power and capital owners. This way of thinking then forms a mass culture that is prone to authoritarianism. The findings of this research also serve as a warning to stakeholders who must be more vigilant in anticipating the globalization of digital media which can actually change the face of political education and the future of our democracy.</p> Muhammad Farid Reiza Praselanova Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Farid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-07-25 2023-07-25 6 01 14 24 10.38073/wasilatuna.v6i01.794 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF THE SARA MILLS MODEL OF THE RELIGIOUS ANIMATED FILM BY CISFORM UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA WITH THE TITLE "MOSQUE FOR ALL" https://ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id/index.php/wasilatuna/article/view/784 <p><em>The development of films today is unstoppable, because as a means of entertainment and information as in the animated film "Masjid Untuk Semua" by CISform UIN Sunan Kalijaga which succeeded in coloring Indonesian animated films with content not only entertainment but knowledge information with Islamic nuances (Religion). In the animated film "Masjid Untuk Semua" tells the story of a non-Muslim entering the mosque so that there is a debate that infidels are prohibited from entering the mosque. But with the interest of research, it is allowed as the Prophet Muhammad SAW also did not prohibit Abu Sofyan before. With Sara Mills' discourse analysis based on her theoretical framework. This movie tells the role of men and women as subjects (storytellers) and religion as objects (those told). Where men and women do not marginalize the position of others who are not in the same Islamic faith. The role of the dominant character so that the message of the mosque for all can be conveyed to the audience. In this film, the author also analyzes that there is a great interest in this film, namely to change the paradigm that mosques for all have no religious distinctions, intentions with good intentions.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Anshori Ali Ridho Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Anshori, Ali Ridho https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-04-22 2023-04-22 6 01 1 13 10.38073/wasilatuna.v6i01.784