Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam2024-12-09T00:33:15+00:00Muhamad Abdul Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nidhomiyyah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam</a> Is an interdisciplinary publication of original research and writings on the management of Islamic education. Published twice a year (January and July) by the Postgraduate Program of the Darullughah Wadda'wah International Islamic University. The journal has ISSN (E) <a href="">2716-2591</a>, ISSN (P) <a href="">2716-3210</a> aims to provide a forum for scientific understanding of the field of Islamic education and plays an important role in promoting processes that accumulate contemporary knowledge, values, and skills. The journal includes research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications and scientific commentary in education in all fields including: (1) Administrative Management, (2) Accounting Education Management, (3) Marketing Education Management, (4) Development of Islamic Education, (5) Education and Curriculum, (6) Philosophy of Islamic Education, and (7) Islamic Education Approach</p> Pendidikan Minat Bakat Melalui Self-Efficacy di Sekolah2024-06-27T04:08:30+00:00Intan Humairahintanhum23@gmail.comReihannah Reihannahreihannah8@gmail.comDedek Dhea Fitrianadedekdhea31@gmail.comRevi<p>This study seeks to examine the correlation between students' interests and capabilities and their degree of self-efficacy in high school. The main objective is to establish educational models that enhance self-efficacy. Data was obtained from students and instructors at Lhoksukon Senior High School 1 using a comprehensive method that including questionnaires and interviews. The investigation reveals a favorable association between students' interests, abilities, and self-efficacy. Evidence has shown that the assistance provided by instructors and the overall school atmosphere has a crucial role in enhancing students' belief in their own abilities. The suggested educational approach prioritizes the incorporation of students' interests and skills into the curriculum and learning process in order to enhance their self-efficacy. The practical consequence of this study is the creation of educational practices that are comprehensive and focused on nurturing students' whole potential. These results provide significant additions to our knowledge of the connections between students' interests, abilities, and self-efficacy. They also offer guidance for improving educational procedures.</p>2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Humairah, Reihannah Reihannah, Dedek Dhea Fitriana, Revi Safitri Library Management in the Digitalization Era2024-09-10T01:20:26+00:00Moh. Hamdan Baihaqibaihaqihamdan7@gmail.comAri<p>The library is the door to knowledge, among students the word library is a way for students to gain broader insights. The purpose of this study is to discuss library management in the digital era. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is carried out by field observation methods, interviews and documentation on each relevant object according to what is needed in the study. In using this qualitative method, many things may change and have profound possibilities. The results of this study include: digital technology has helped facilitate library management in planning the use of recording administration at Tribakti Islamic University of Lirboyo Kediri. In addition, observations related to the influence of the digital era on school libraries have influenced the technical services of school libraries at Tribakti Islamic University of Lirboyo Kediri, which is part of the implementation of planning for college libraries.</p>2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Hamdan, Ari Susetiyo Strategy of the Kitab Washoya Al-Abaa’ Lil Abnaa’ in Forming Students’ Morals2024-09-16T09:56:40+00:00Novida Aprilina Nisa Fitrinovidatoding@gmail.comKumala Azizatul<p>The origin of this research stemmed from the researcher's observation of students from early childhood to adulthood who still lacked morality towards others, particularly their parents. This study employs a case study research design and a qualitative methodology. The data sources used are primary and secondary sources. In collecting data, the researcher used interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and verification. In order to verify the validity of the data, the researcher employed triangulation techniques, gathered information from multiple sources, and utilized reference materials. The study's results show that students at TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Qur'an) Al-Barokah Pule Macanan implement the book Washoya Al-Abaa 'Lil Abnaa' in their moral formation by preparing materials and creating lesson summaries. Students at TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Quran) Al-Barokah Pule Macanan learn the <em>Kitab</em> <em>Washoya Al-Abaa’ Lil Abnaa’</em> in three weekly meetings, namely every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Learning activities consist of introduction, content, and closing. Supporting and inhibiting factors for learning the <em>Kitab</em> <em>Washoya Al-Abaa’ Lil Abnaa’</em> in the formation of morals of students at TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Quran) Al-Barokah Pule Macanan are changes. We observe the changes in two areas: moral knowledge and student behavior.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Novida Aprilina Nisa Fitri, Kumala Azizatul Latifah Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Pesantren2024-11-04T18:05:48+00:00Jaudi<p>The management of pesantren-based higher education institutions in Indonesia faces various challenges in balancing Islamic values with modern academic demands. Pesantren-based universities have a unique potential to develop an educational model rooted in pesantren values while also meeting higher education standards. This study aims to analyze how the management model of pesantren-based universities can be optimized to remain relevant and competitive. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection through a literature review, providing insights into ideal management practices in this context. The results indicate that the success of pesantren-based university management is greatly influenced by the integration of pesantren values within a professional management system, particularly in areas such as human resource management, curriculum development, and community engagement. This research contributes by offering adaptive, value-based management recommendations, providing a reference for sustainable and innovative management of pesantren-based higher education institutions.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jaudi Jaudi Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah dalam Optimalisasi Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah2024-09-26T10:30:46+00:00Asni<p>SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT Jombang has successfully integrated the Merdeka Curriculum effectively, supported by academic supervision practices carried out by the school principal. The purpose of this supervision is to prepare and optimize the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, as evidenced by the school's achievements as the best in Jombang and the high number of students accepted through the SNBP. However, there are several challenges in the implementation of supervision, including the presence of teachers who have surpassed retirement age, time limitations, and variations in human resources. This study aims to identify the role of the school principal in academic supervision that supports the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, as well as the factors that contribute to or hinder this process. The research method used is qualitative with an interactive approach, and data is collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis. Data analysis is conducted through triangulation, verification, reduction, and systematic presentation. The study's results reveal that the principal's academic supervision encompasses four important aspects: pre-observation, socialization, mentoring, and monitoring. Nevertheless, various obstacles such as teacher age, time constraints, and varying competencies among teachers need to be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of supervision.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asni Wahidah, Amrulloh Amrulloh, Dhikrul Hakim Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Nilai-nilai Qurani2024-11-26T10:01:04+00:00Rizal<p>In Islamic education administration, human resource development (HR) is crucial to building a competent, honorable, and high-quality educational system. Qur'anic values are one strategy that can support human resource development by giving managers, teachers, and students moral guidance and standards. The necessity to match Islamic education management with Qur'anic principles in order to create individuals who are balanced in both intellectual and spiritual dimensions is the basis of this study. The purpose of this study is to examine howthe basis of this study. The purpose of this study is to examine how Qur'anic ideals are used to the development of human resources in Islamic educational institutions and how this affects the standard of education management. The approach involves a review of the literature using a variety of pertinent sources, such as the Qur'an, Islamic education management publications, and scholarly publications that are relevant. According to the study's findings, developing human resources in accordance with Qur'anic principles greatly enhances the moral and academic quality of teachers, school administrators, and students. The Qur'anic values of justice, trust, and cooperation can improve managerial efficacy and foster a more peaceful and fruitful learning environment. This study's contribution is to offer fresh perspectives for the creation of a more comprehensive Islamic education policy that prioritizes moral and spiritual considerations in addition to cognitive ones as the cornerstones of educational administration.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Ilhamsyah Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Di Pesantren: Meningkatkan Kemandirian Ekonomi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Era Digital2024-11-26T08:27:22+00:00Ahmad<p>Digital-based financial management models have become an urgent need for Islamic boarding schools to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of fund management. Islamic boarding schools, as Islamic-based educational institutions, often face challenges such as dependence on external funding, limited skilled human resources, and inadequate digital infrastructure. This study aims to identify and analyze a digital-based financial management model that is in accordance with sharia principles to strengthen the economic independence of Islamic boarding schools in the digital era. This study uses a library research approach to collect data from various scientific literature related to Islamic financial management, digitalization, and management of Islamic educational institutions. Data analysis was carried out descriptively to identify challenges and opportunities for the implementation of sharia-based digital financial systems in Islamic boarding schools. Descriptive analysis is carried out to understand existing concepts and models. Critical analysis is used to evaluate the relevance and suitability of literature to the context of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The results of the study show a reduction in administrative costs, an increase in operational efficiency, and higher public trust in the management of pesantren funds. By combining digital technology and sharia principles, pesantren can reduce their dependence on external donations and ensure their financial sustainability in the digital era. These findings contribute to the literature on sharia-based financial management as well as provide practical guidance for Islamic boarding schools to implement a modern and sharia-compliant financial system.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Misbah Development of Grade VIII Students Through Akidah Akhlak Learning2024-12-09T00:33:15+00:00Muhammad Irhamirhammuhammad.ihya@gmail.comAminuddin Lubisaminuddinlubis@gmail.comMuhammad Yaminmyamin@gmail.comSri Wahyunisriwahyuni@gmail.comNovria<p>The of students’ morals in the context of Islamic education has become very important, particularly through the learning of <em>Akidah Akhlak</em>. The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of <em>Akidah Akhlak</em> teaching on students’ morals and to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors involved. The research method used is a qualitative approach with interviews and observations involving 32 grade VIII students and their <em>Akidah Akhlak</em> teacher. The results indicate that students generally demonstrate good morals towards Allah SWT, their parents, and teachers, as evidenced by positive actions such as praying and showing respect. However, negative behaviors such as bullying and a lack of personal discipline still occur, highlighting the need for intervention through moral education, particularly through <em>Akidah Akhlak</em> learning. This study contributes important insights into the effectiveness of <em>Akidah Akhlak</em> education and aims to enhance teaching strategies and collaboration among teachers, students, and parents in fostering morally responsible individuals.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Irham, Aminuddin Lubis, Muhammad Yamin, Sri Wahyuni, Novria Grahmayanuri