Lahjatuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab <p style="text-align: justify;">Lahjatuna: Journal of Arabic Language Education is a scientific journal of Arabic Language Education published by the Educational Arabic Department Faculty of Tarbiyah Institut Agama Islam Darullughah Wadda’wah Bangil Pasuruan. This journal focuses on the study of Arabic, Arabic Language Learning Strategies, Arabic Language Learning Methodology, Arabic Learning Media, Arabic Learning Technology. This journal is published twice a year (April and October) and is a medium for researchers, academics and practitioners who are interested in the field of Arabic Language Education and want to channel their thoughts and findings.</p> en-US (Yusuf Arisandi) (M. Khoirul Umam) Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Effectiveness of the Qawaid Wa Tarjamah Method to Improve Understanding of Basic Arabic Structures Mabni and Mu'rab <p><em>This research is motivated by the students' limited understanding of Arabic language concepts, particularly regarding mabni and mu'rab in Arabic grammar</em><em>. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the qawaid wa tarjamah method, in improving students' Arabic language skills, especially mabni and mu'rab in Qur'anic Junior High School Darul Fattah Boarding School. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, this study measured students' Arabic language skills before and after the application of the method. </em><em>Data were gathered through multiple-choice tests and essay assessments, then analyzed using a paired sample t-test to compare the mean scores before and after the program</em><em>. </em><em>The results demonstrated a significant improvement in students after the application of the Qawaid Wa Tarjamah method. The findings of this study can serve as a foundation for developing more effective Arabic language learning programs in schools and contribute to enhancing the overall quality of Arabic language education.</em></p> Surya Hidayat, Munirul Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 Surya Hidayat, Munirul Abidin Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Distance Learning Activities For The Nahwu Subjects For Students In Islamic Boarding School <p>This research is to provide a detailed description of the remote muraja'ah program that has been executed by a teacher at Al Mawarits An Nabawiyyah Islamic Boarding School. This program seeks to provide students with an alternative approach to reviewing their lessons encountered during their tenure at the Islamic boarding school. The present study employs a qualitative methodology. Observation and interviews were used as the methods of data collection. Once the data is gathered and considered adequate, it undergoes three critical steps of analysis: reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research findings suggest that this program comprises three distinct phases: design, execution, and reflection. The program design include socialization activities targeting the guardians of the students. Subsequently, the teacher compiles the resources on Nahwu and Sharaf utilizing the Blooket platform consulting with specialists. Implemented over the Maulid holiday, this program offers students three assignments and has garnered a favorable reception from their guardians. Upon reflection of this program, the instructor has come to the realization of their constraints in effectively using the digital learning platform. Therefore, I was driven to attempt under the supervision of a specialist. Consequently, the teacher astutely refrained from broadening the range of additional instructional resources. The pertinent factor to consider is the proportion of students who dedicate their time to assisting their parents instead of engaging in phone usage. Augmenting the range of the content may raise apprehensions that the students may become more engrossed in using their mobile devices while pretending to engage in studying.</p> Faris Maturedy Copyright (c) 2024 Faris Maturedy Sat, 12 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000