Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam 2024-10-23T02:30:28+00:00 Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam Open Journal Systems <p>Al-Jadwa: Jurnal Studi Islam (ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-2783</a>,e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-4128</a>) is a scientific journal of Islamic studies published by Universitas Islam Internasional Darullughah Wadda'wah Pasuruan. This journal focuses on the study of Islamic education, Islamic economics, Islamic management, Islamic politics, and other Islamic studies. Researchers, academics, and practitioners interested in the field of Islamic Studies can channel their thoughts and findings through this journal, which publishes twice a year in March and September.</p> Evaluasi Program Kampung Zakat Baznas dengan Menggunakan Logic Model 2024-07-21T02:16:05+00:00 Nurul Pratiwi Mukhtar Lutfi Abdul Wahid Haddade <p>Bulukumba is one of the areas designated as the location of the zakat village program which has been running for four years. Therefore, the program needs to be evaluated to measure the effectiveness of the program. This evaluation uses the <em>Logic Model</em>. This study aims to evaluate the Baznas zakat village program in Kahayya Village, Bulukumba Regency using the <em>Logic Model</em>. This research uses <em>mixed methods</em> research. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Input, Activity, <em>Output, Outcome of </em>Kampung Zakat program in Kahayya Village. The results showed that in the baznas zakat village program in Kahayya Village, various activities were carried out such as providing direct assistance to people in need, training and workshops to improve skills and knowledge, socialization and guidance in various fields such as education, health, economy, da'wah, and humanity. In addition, there are also ben˙cana response activities, procurement of facilities and infrastructure, and efforts to empower communities through various productive economic programs. Statistical test results show that there is a significant difference in the amount of mustahik income before and after the Kahayya Village zakat village program and there is a significant relationship between the length of time receiving assistance and the amount of zakat assistance with the amount of income after the zakat village program in Kahayya Village.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Pratiwi, Mukhtar Lutfi, Abdul Wahid Haddade فعالية استخدام كتاب الإعراب في قواعد اللغة العربية لترقية مهارة القراءة لطلاب الفصل الثالث الإبتدائي 2024-09-06T10:03:02+00:00 Segaf Baharun Abdul Qowi Al-Farizi Yusuf Arisandi <p>Good reading results from understanding speech or paying attention to something heard, which is a condition for protecting a person from many mistakes. This study aims to determine how to teach reading skills using Arabic grammar parsing books to third-year construction students at the Dar es Salaam Institute, Malang and the effectiveness of using Arabic grammar parsing books to improve the reading skills of third-year elementary school students at the Dar es Salaam Institute, Malang. The method of this experimental research is using pre- and post-tests for the control group and the experimental group. The approach used is the quantitative approach. The tools for collecting data in this research are: observation, interview, and test. The results of the research indicate the T score calculated in this research (3.54) is greater than the T score in the table at the 5% level (2.06) and the T score in the table at the 1% level (2.80). We know that the previous hypothesis is acceptable, and this indicates that using the book on parsing Arabic grammar in teaching the Arabic language to teach reading skills is effective. 2) Using the book on parsing in Arabic grammar makes students feel enthusiastic and easy to improve their reading skill and find ease in determining the parsing in sentences. In conclusion, the use of the Arabic grammar parsing book in teaching the Arabic language to teach reading skills to third-year primary school students at the Dar es Salaam Malang Institute is effective in the effectiveness and development of students’ desire and motivation to improve reading skills.</p> 2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Segaf Baharun, Abdul Qowi Al-Farizi, Yusuf Arisandi Educational Environment in the Quran 2024-09-16T12:15:51+00:00 Lilik Aminah <p>Educational environment is needed in the education process, because the educational environment serves to support the process of teaching and learning. The Environment of education is not described in the Qur'an explicitly, but there are several signs that indicate the presence of the educational environment. This writing is carried out through a literature study which is carried out by examining the concepts and theories used based on the available literature, including articles published in scientific journals that contain theories relevant to research problems. The family is the first educational environment where children get an education. At this point in the family laid the foundations of a child's personality. TheSchool as second in environment that developing the potential environmental grounds owned by the child. School is an environment where students absorb academic values including socializing with teachers and school friends. The Society is an educational institution after family and school. The shades of various education received by students in the community, covering all areas of both habit formation, the formation of knowledge, attitudes, interests, and the establishment of morality and religion. The natural environment is also used as a source of learning.</p> 2024-09-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lilik Aminah Aktualisasi Kemandirian dan Entrepreneur Melalui Program Bazar Santri 2024-08-27T03:47:53+00:00 Ita Yunita Ali Machrus M. Asif Nur Fauzi <p>This research is motivated by the strategic potential of Islamic boarding schools regarding self-reliance, independence, and community participation, in the context of developing the people's economy, then the actualization of independence and entrepreneurial skills of students through the Tsanawiyah 4 Santri Bazaar Program at the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School. This program is designed to provide practical experience in running a business, as well as developing an entrepreneurial spirit among students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that this bazaar program has succeeded in developing the independence of students, which is shown through increased initiative, responsibility, and independent decision-making abilities. In addition, students also show increased entrepreneurial skills, including business management, marketing strategies, and financial management. Students learn to work in teams, overcome challenges, and innovate in attracting customers. The Tsanawiyah 4 Santri Bazaar Program not only contributes to the development of practical skills, but also builds the character of students who are creative, independent, and have an entrepreneurial spirit. Thus, this program can be used as a model for other Islamic boarding schools in integrating entrepreneurship education into their curriculum. Recommendations for further development include increasing the intensity of entrepreneurship training, providing adequate resources, and collaborating with the surrounding community to expand the impact of the program.</p> 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Yunita, Ali Machrus, M. Asif Nur Fauzi Analisis Problematika Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) di Madrasah Aliyah 2024-10-01T06:25:44+00:00 Novi Ariyanti Nuke Ladyna Anggerawati <p>Learning Islamic Cultural History (ICH) is crucial for shaping students character through moral, spiritual, and social values. However, its effectiveness is hindered by dominant lecture methods, inadequate learning media, and low student enthusiasm. This study aims to identify the specific problems encountered in learning islamic cultural history, focusing on teachers and students perceptions and the underlying factors contributing to these issues. Employing a qualitative method with a case study approach, the research utilizes interviews, observations, and documentation for data collection. Data analysis follows the Miles and Huberman model, which includes data reduction, presentation, and conclusion formulation. The findings indicate that students find Islamic history learning uninteresting and difficult to grasp due to irrelevant material, while teachers struggle to convey complex content within limited time and resources. The prevalent use of lectures has proven ineffective, with interactive methods like discussions and role-playing rarely utilized, leading to students’ difficulties in comprehension and low motivation. Additionally, the availability of learning resources, such as encyclopedias, and a reading culture among students are underdeveloped. To address these challenges, the Head of Madrasah and teacher have initiated reading corners in classrooms stocked with Islamic cultural history books and encouraged the use of social media for assignments.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novi Ariyanti, Nuke Ladyna Anggerawati Memahami Peran Hak Angket Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam Pemilu 2024-10-07T10:07:37+00:00 Fahrica Rosalima Asrudi Asrudi <p>The inquiry right of the people's representative council is a situation where the right used by the DPR is to understand the state of the government, both in terms of knowing the implementation of governance and to seek materials to formulate a policy, or to provide approval or consideration regarding the possibilities of all government performance, which is also in line with the duties of the majelis syura in Islamic governance. The right of inquiry also plays a significant role in the successful conduct of elections; therefore, this paper will explain the role of the DPR's right of inquiry in elections from the perspective of positive law and fiqh siyasah. The research method used in this work is library research. (library research). From the analysis conducted, the role of the DPR's inquiry rights in elections from the perspective of positive law and fiqh siyasah has similarities in its duties and functions. Therefore, the results of this research are expected to provide understanding and knowledge about the role of the DPR's inquiry rights in elections from the perspective of positive law and fiqh siyasah.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahrica Rosalima, Asrudi Asrudi Implementasi Full Day School sebagai Strategi Branding Sekolah di MTs Zainul Falah 2024-10-15T11:20:13+00:00 Izul Islam M Jadid Khadavi <p>Curriculum transformation and evolving global needs increasingly influence changes in Indonesia's educational landscape, including Islamic educational institutions. MTs Zainul Falah has adopted the full-day school model as a strategy to improve educational quality and strengthen school branding within the competitive Islamic education environment. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the full-day school program at MTs Zainul Falah and its impact on the school's image and reputation. This study employs a qualitative research method, utilizing data collection techniques such as observation, documentation, and interviews, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the experiences and perspectives of the various stakeholders involved. The results show that the implementation of the full-day school program at MTs Zainul Falah is effective in improving educational quality and the school’s image in the eyes of the community. The program not only positively impacts students' academic development but also strengthens the school's reputation within the surrounding community. Overall, the full-day school program at MTs Zainul Falah has proven to be an effective branding strategy, solidifying the school’s position as a competent and trusted Islamic educational institution. This study highlights full-day school as an effective branding strategy to enhance community appeal and trust in Islamic educational institutions.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Izul Islam, M Jadid Khadavi Narasi Sufistik dalam Tafsir Mafātīḥ al-Ghaib: Analisis Penafsiran Sufistik Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzi dalam Tafsir Mafātīḥ al-Ghaib 2024-10-20T04:57:16+00:00 Khairul Atfal Halimatussa’diyah Halimatussa’diyah Kusnadi Kusnadi <p>Tafsir <em>Mafātī</em><em>ḥ al-Ghaib </em>is a tafsir that criticizes Muktazilah from linguistic analysis. The period of al-Rāzi is known as the period of mixing tafsir with political interests, a particular school of thought or ideology. However, Abdul Mustaqim's writing does not mention the tendency of Sufism. Then, al-Alūsi's famous Sufi tafsir, in 'Ali Iyāzi's statement, is a form of replication of al-Rāzi's tafsir. Therefore, how can a tafsir that is considered Sufi in style be said to be a replica of the <em>'itiqādī</em> style<em>.</em> Thus, this paper aims to find out how al-Rāzi responded when confronted with Sufism verses and reveal how Sufistic narratives, whether they will also depart from linguistic analysis or not, and how the depth of the narratives written by al-Rāzi. The research method used is a qualitative method using literature review. With descriptive-deductive analysis and referring to primary sources of al-Rāzi's works, it was concluded that not all Sufistic narratives were written in depth by al-Rāzi. He starts with the linguistic side and then draws the theological side. However, in al-Ra'd [13]: 28, he goes quite deep when dividing the meaning behind the word <em>al-i</em><em>ṭmi'nān.</em> This discovery can give a new perception that al-Rāzi's analysis is thick with linguistic analysis that is quite in-depth, although in the end it is drawn in a theological or Sufistic narrative.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairul Atfal, Halimatussa’diyah Halimatussa’diyah, Kusnadi Kusnadi The Role of Traditional Institutions in Preserving the Al-Barzanji Tradition 2024-10-23T02:30:28+00:00 Irlina Dewi Yuni Dhea Utari <p>The process of preserving culture in indigenous communities cannot be separated from the important role of traditional institutions. The role of traditional institutions has the potential to determine the behavior of indigenous peoples in carrying out their traditional traditions or not. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of traditional institutions in preserving the tradition of al-berzanji, a case study of teenagers in Bengkalis District. The type of research used is field research, while the research approach is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection methods used were interviews, literature study and documentation. The results of the research show that the role of traditional institutions in preserving the al-berzanji tradition among teenagers in Bengkalis District has not been achieved (not yet realized). This is because this institution is still hampered by several obstacles in carrying out its roles, duties and functions optimally. The inhibiting factors include: Limited budget owned by Malay traditional institutions in Bengkalis District, minimal attention from related agencies, low regeneration efforts from traditional figures and leaders, lack of interest and concern from teenagers to learn about their customs and culture, and the large influence of modernization and technological progress. which is not balanced with understanding and cultivation of local culture</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Irlina Dewi, Yuni Dhea Utari